My Fairytale Book ( 2009 TDS Lifetyle Issue # 13)

"Life Itself Is The Most Wonderful Fairytale of All"
Yup! That's the title of the book I created for The Daily Scrapper now TDS Lifestyle. I enjoyed so much making my fairytale book coz even at this age I still believe in fairytales hehehehehehehe. My love story is actually a fairytale so how can I not believe on such thing.

I created this book for TDS and was published last July 2009. In this book I shortly documented my life ... how my Prince Charming came .... and a little Prince was born ... and they all lived happily ever after.

Aside from this fairytale book, I was also tasked to write the cover article for TDS and you may read it here http://www.thedailyscrapper.com/2009/issue13mlk/index.html

The book is divided into 4 parts, namely:
Part 1 - Meet The Princess
Part 2 - The Search for Love
Part 3 - A Love Filled With Magic
Part 4 - Then Came The Little Prince

I am also providing the captions I've wrote on each page coz I think it would be difficult for some to read what I wrote in the book .... a lovely story from the beginning till the end .... a true story but applied in the fantasy world =)

Before I show you the whole book, I want to let you see which kit I used for this project:

Now, sit back and relax ... grab a coffee and read the book.

Part I :  Meet The Princess

Once upon a time in not so far a way kingdon, Aftonbladet, there lived a princess. She lived in a simple castle with simple things. Her parents and brother adored her very much that protecting her with all their might from goblins, naughty trolls, and mischievous dwarves was a MUST.

 The family itself is well respected and loved by everyone - rich or poor - people would always enjoy their presence. The home is filled with love, compassion, understanding, peace, and prayers. The little girl can never ask for more because she has everything that a family should have.

 There is one thing that the little princess loves to do - and reading fantasy and fairytale books about angels, fairies, dragons, princesses, and magic. She can spend day after day reading her books over and over again. Oh how she loves the endings of each story - Prince Charming comes then both lived happily ever after.

 As she grows, a lot of things were happening around her - scray, happy, victory, sorrow, anger, pain, and joy. She knew that her love ones may never be able to protect her all the time. So, instead of hiding or getting scared she opted to be brave, strong in dealing with life and made friends to everyone.

 Going through the winding roads of life she encountered a lot of difficulties. She got bruised and heartbroken few times in the name of LOVE. She stood up with grace and always wear a big SMILE on her face.

Part II :  The Search For Love
Love for her was unconditional. In her mind, she knows and believes without a doubt that someday her prince will come. Although she has been in a relationship 4 times, she felt that there was no magic each time - a magic that will make her tummy flutter & her cheeks turning red and butterflies & fairies with the angels making a lovely tune.

She prayed very hard more than 10 years for her right Prince to come. Right from the beginning, she knew each human race has a special someone planned by God but it's up to them to find and feel the magic in the air. Some were lucky to find but some were not. And so, she promised that she will have an open heart, an open mind, and with a clean spirit so she will feel those magical things when the right Prince comes along.

 She never stops daydreaming about so many things in life while she waits for the right Prince. She dreams that one day she will continue to live in a castle filled with patience, peace, joy, understanding, sorrows to make her stronger, defeats so she will know more how to get up and live, travel to different kingdoms filled with wonder, but most of all to continue trying to live with LOVE that God has been teaching mankind.

 She never stops daydreaming about so many things in life while she waits for the right Prince. She dreams that one day she will continue to live in a castle filled with patience, peace, joy, understanding, sorrows to make her stronger, defeats so she will know more how to get up and live, travel to different kingdoms filled with wonder, but most of all to continue trying to live with LOVE that God has been teaching mankind.

 Part III : A Love Filled With Magic

A Prince from a far away kingdom, Morgonlandet, took a lot of courage for him to search for the right Princess almost everyday. Along the way, he met fellow princes and told him the secret place to find such special princess. He searched for her and failed once. He never gave up and was so determined to try searching once more. The Prince travelled far and wide and oh the angels and fairies must have helped him for one night he found her.
The Prince was love struck - it was love at first sight. He then tried to find a way to win her heart. With more magical dust along the air, the letter he sent had a response the next day. And that was the start of a special love between the princess and the prince.

 The Prince traveled thousands and thousands of miles... swam the deepest oceans & moved mountains... trek the winding roads just to reach his beloved's kingdom.

 It was such a beautiful moment. Birds were singing in the air... star dusts blowing all around... busy fairies with their magical wands were non-stop in scattering magical potions everywhere and angels were making sure no harm from witches and evil dwarves get in the way.

The Prince and the Princess were both very happy to find each other after all those years of searching and waiting. Now, they can build their own kingdom and make their fantasies come true.
They had a simple wedding fully blessed by the Earth Queens and Kings from the North, South, East and West. The Queens of the Seasons were rejoicing too, for such a wonderful celebration of love. Both heaven, earth, and middle earth blew trumpets of joy for it was no doubt a match made in heaven.
Part IV : Then Came The Little Prince

Love was so strong & Passion was so intense and they only have eyes for each other. God was just so pleased. It's time to bless the Prince and Princess for a special gift. Once again all the kingdoms in the earth rejoiced! A little Prince was born!

No words can explain how the new parents felt as they look at their bundle of joy. Queens and Kings, fairies, white witches, angels, kind-hearted trolls and goblins, and even all the animals in the earth celebrated the joy as long as they live.

Materials and Tools I used are endless but if you will look at the details you will have an idea what I used for this Fantasy Book =)


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