How I Organize and Store My Stickers

Hi again!

ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh just when the National Craft Month is almost over, I get so preoccupied with lots as in LOTS of things, aaaaaaarrrrgggggggggggghhhhh!!!.

What have I been doing this day while my son is in school?

Well, my DH and I have been looking for nice tickets at the internet for our up-coming trip next month. Since last night we have been searching for a good price and it drove us NUTS!!!!! We're so amazed how prices can change every hour and we'll never understand how travel agencies really works hahahahahahahaha :(

Before lunch time, we both agreed that if we find a good price will take it immediately. Luckily, we found the best price and bought it.

Immediately after buying the tickets, I went back to organizing my room. This time I concentrated on my stickers. I never thought I have sssssssssoooooooo much hahahaha. I knew all along that I have lots of stickers but had no idea the bulk of what I have. From this forward, I promise myself that I will not buy more stickers hehehehhehe. In fairness, I got most of my stickers from loving crafty friends hehehehheheheheh. I sorted out my mess and separated any stickers that I found ... categorized .... packed each category .... labeled .... put each case back to the plastic crate .... and BREATHE hahahahahahahahaha

I found a 12.5 x 12.5 inches plastic envelopes and bought all they have in the store. Sorry for those who were planning to buy such coz I bought everything ( 20 pcs.) and plan to buy more when they have it again. I'm proud of myself coz I'm learning what organizing means hahahahahahahahaha. Applaud! applaud!! Am I getting a standing ovation for this? hahahahahahahahahahahaha


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